Cheap apartments, b&b's, hotels in Rome central.
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349 50 23 029
Pensioni a Roma
Pensions in Rome
Frequently asked questions
If in this page you can not find the informations you need or you desire to contact us, please to write us to our email address Our staff is everytime at your disposal.
About the Reservation and the Confirmation
About the Credit Card
Why ask for credit card details?
Does the hotel will request a deposit or an advanced payments as guarantee?
Which kind of credit card can I use to guarantee a reservation?
Credit cards details are kept safe? The website can provide for a safe criptation about my personal datas?
About the Cancellation and the Modify
How can I cancel or modify a reservation?
There are extra/hidden costs if i have to cancel or modify the reservation?
What about Pensioni website's cancellation policies?
How can i know if my reservation has been cancelled?
About the Hotel's Services and Terms
What is the time of arrival (check-in) and departure (check-out) indicated from the lodgings in
I will arrive in hotel late in the night? Can you wait for my check-in and host me?
What can I do if i have any question about a room or about a hotel?
Who can I call in case of any emergency?
What is is a cooperative of lodgings. Our mission is offer a free and simple online hotel reservation system.
Our services are destinated for business or leisure travellers looking for a stay in Rome.
How can I book?
It is very easy. At first, you can see photos and detailed informations about rooms with updated rates and availability in real time. If you like a hoteI, you can book it filling the form with the requested informations simply: your personal datas, the period of your stay, the number and kind of room/s, your valid email address (very important!), your credit card details (as guarente only). You will receive, in a few instants, an email with your details (to verify if your email address is right also). If you will not receive an emai, it mean that the email address is wrong. (In this case you will have to repeat your request again). You will receive a confirmation letter by email within 24 hours!
How much does a booking cost by online reservation system is totally free of charges. All the hotels in this website contribute to support economically this service.
I have not a credit card. Can I book with another method?
Surely! It is possible to send a bank transfer with the first night amount (per each room you need) as reservation's guarantee. You can easily find this option when you click in the "booking!" hotel's page. Please to fill the form and you will receive soon an email with all the details about a bank transfer. As alternative, you can ask details writing us by email to For further informations you can call our call center by phone number 0039 349 50 23 029 too.
Can I book a room by phone or by email?
It is possible. Please to check the updated availability about the hotel you desire to book before to contact us. Then, you can call our call center at phone number 0039 349 50 23 029 or you can send us an email to
How many rooms can I book once a time?
You can book all the rooms you need. You would indicate the kind and exact number of rooms when you are booking simply.
Room's rate is per person o per room?
Rates shown in website are per room per night.
Breakfast is included in the room's rate?
Breakfast is ever included in the rate of your stay.
Taxes are included in the room's rate?
Taxes are ever included in the rate of your stay. The accommodation tax is the only tax not included.
How can I know if my booking has been confirmed?
You will receive a confirmation letter to the email address you indicated in the reservation form.
How much time I will wait to receive the answer from the hotel about my reservation's requeste?
We usually can satisfy all requests within 24 hour. in any case we never reply over 48 hours after your request.
It is granted that my reservation request will has confirmed?
It is very probable but it is not granted. If a request has been sent while hotel's owner is updating the availability or if we are receiving several requests in the same time for the same hotel, so room could be not available. So, it is possible that you will not receive a confirmation email. In this case, we will be glad to search for you a similar alternative as per your first request. In case we can not find other alternatives or if you do not like it, your reservation will not continue and will completly cancel your data from the system.
I made a booking but i have not received the confirmation email. What can I do?
A more frequent reason of a lacked confirmation email's reception is the wrong communication about your email address; for this reason, we suggest you to rechek your email address before to send your reservation. Moreover, the confirmayion email can often be redirected to a "no-Spam directory". In case of lacked confirmation email's reception please to contact us by email and inform us with all detailed informations about the reservation.
What is the accommodation tax? How much does it cost?
Rome City Council gave its approval to the introduction of an overnight accommodation tax on tourist services in the city (Delibera Consiglio comunale n. 67 del 28/29 luglio 2010). The fee, which is intended to financially assist the city’s efforts in organizing urban services, is aimed at ensuring the standard of the tourists’ stay is both highly efficient and of the best quality.
The fee is set to be applied as of 1st January 2011 and will be asked of anyone staying in every overnight accommodation inside Rome’s boundaries, with the sole of exception of hostels, at the end of each stay.
Please note that the fee is also asked of anyone who has booked or paid for the trip through a travel agency or tour operator and therefore pays by presenting a voucher at the reception desk.
In the same way, as the grounds for the tax are not the general services provided by, for example, a hotel, but for overnight accommodation in the city, the fee is asked of anyone even where agreements stipulate exemption from payment of hotel bills (for example: group guides, CITI tourist coach drivers, etc.)

Children under the age of 10 years are exempt from payment.

Details of Fee:
Camp sites: 2 Euros per person per night max 5 days
Farm Inns: 4 Euros per person per night max 10 days
B&B: 3,50 Euros per person per night max 10 days
Rented Rooms: 3,50 Euros per person per night max 10 days
Holiday Homes: 3,50 Euros per person per night max 10 days
Holiday Apartments: 3,50 Euros per person per night max 10 days
Residences: 4 Euros per person per night max 10 days
1, 2 Stars Hotels: 3 Euros per person per night max 10 days
3 Stars Hotels: 4 Euros per person per night max 10 days
4 Stars Hotels: 6 Euros per person per night max 10 days
5 Stars Hotels 7 Euros per person per night max 10 days
Why ask for credit card details?
Credit card details are esclusively requested as reservation's guarantee in case you will not arrive in hotel the day you booked ("No show") or for cancellation after the limit time indicated from the hotel. With a"No show" the hotel is authorized to charge usually the first night (not the entire stay) as guarentee for its work because it is granting you the room's availability until your arrival only. In any case, do not charge extra/hidden costs from credit cards. You are sure to pay directly the entire stay at your arrival to the hotel you booked
Does the hotel will request a deposit or an advanced payments as guarantee?
Hotel will not charge anything from you credit card: you will settle the total amount at your arrival in the hotel and at your convenient way. If you have not a credit card, you can send the first night amount by bak transfer as reservation's guarantee. You can receive all details filling the form in the page "booking with bank tranfer".
Which kind of credit card can I use to guarantee a reservation?
MasterCard, Visa, American Express e Diners Club are anywhere accepted from all the hotels.
Credit cards details are kept safe? The website can provide for a safe criptation about my personal datas?
It is granted your privacy and the privacy about the details you will transmit. is using the highest protection level Criptography at 128-bit of Thawte Secure Socket Layer (SSL).This means that all your personal datas are codified according a complicated mathematical algorithm and transmitted under strict confidence. Your personal datas are under the "Art.13 law 675/96" and used only to grant your booking. The hotelier is the only responsible to reply to your demand and he can verify your datas after to have confirmed your reservation.
How can I cancel or modify a reservation?
You can cancel or modify a reservation sending a detailed email to our email address simply.
There are extra/hidden costs if i have to cancel or modify the reservation?
We are glad to inform you that will not charge you any additional costs in case you will cancel your booking hotel request. Anyway, if you decide to cancel/modify the reservation's room, you have to do it within the limit time indicated by the hotel (you can read about cancellation policies while you are sending a reservation form to the hotel simply) so to avoid possible penalties.
What about Pensioni website's cancellation policies?
Each hotels establish cancellation terms to cancel/modify a reservation without penalties: it usually permit 3 full day before the check-in date (or the day of arrival in the hotel). In case you will not cancel your booking within the terms established or you will not arrive at the hotel in the fixed date (No Show), the hotel is authorized to charge from your credit card the amount of the first night or it can keep the bank transfer as penalty.
How can I know if my reservation has been cancelled?
We will be glad to send you an email within 24 hours starting from your cancellation.
In case of unexpected delays, please to call our call center at 0039 349 50 23 029. .
What is the time of arrival (check-in) and departure (check-out) indicated from the lodgings in
Rooms are usually available from 12:00 in the morning. In case you will arrive before this hour, you can leave your luggage in the hotel you booked. The morning of your departure (check-out), please you have to leave the room within 10:30.
I will arrive in hotel late in the night? Can you wait for my check-in and host me?
Surely. We suggest you to inform the hotel about your hour of arrival and any unexpected delay. Hotel's address and phone number are indicated in the confirmation email.
What can I do if i have any question about a room or about a hotel?
For further information or particular requests, please to send an email to We will be glad to answer you as soon as possible. As alternative, you can call our call center by phone number "0039 349 50 23 029" too.
Who can I call in case of any emergency?
We suggest you to call directly the hotel's owner. You can easily find the telephone number in the confirmation email. If for any reason you can not speak with him,'s staff is ever at your disposal by phone number 0039 349 50 23 029 and by email
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